One of the most amazing aspects of running L-W-O Community is the amazing people I meet whether that person is one of our members or one of the many professional people in our community. One lovely person I became acquainted with in 2017 via Twitter is Mary Fickling Director of PhysioPod UK. Mary has been a big supporter of ours, sharing our posts, sometimes offering advice, and becoming a valued friend. We met first in 2018 and had fun at the MLD Conference in 2019.
Mary asked me would I write a guest blog first for the PhysioPod website and then for the PhysioPod monthly Newsletter which was launched in August 2020. This working partnership is a privilege as well as a learning curve. However, neither of us could have imagined the new journey it would take us on. In our many conversations Mary and I started talking about the 2021 campaign for LAW and WLD and how we could work together. We started working in January 2021 and decided we would make our joint campaign visual. I sent Mary a slide presentation I had produced to use in Community presentations I was invited to, and she said, “hmm too long for a video I can make seven videos out of your presentation”.
After our successful 2021 campaign Mary and I have continued to work together.
2021 #LAW #WLD

Our 2022 campaign
What a difference a year makes as online activities increased the awareness of lymphoedema not just in the UK but around the world. I can remember a time, not so long ago when a “Call to Action” to reach patients, the public, clinicians, politicians, policy makers and health care providers would have fallen on deaf ears. Months and years of hard work by organisations to raise awareness often not taken seriously.
The power of social media and the events of the last two years has given patient associations, patient advocates and patient support groups who are mostly volunteers the ability to accelerate campaigns and information sharing. This has given rise to a stronger patient voice for those of us who live with lymphoedema.
This year L-W-O Community and Mary Fickling of PhysioPod UK Ltd chose as our contribution to highlight Lymphoedema from Top to Toe. We had expert authors who wrote about their specialist lymphoedema topics including.
Christine Talbot on Head and Neck Lymphoedema
Kate Barr on the Importance of Oral Hygiene
Sue Hansard on Breast/Avilla/Chest Wall
Arm Lymphoedema with a video of general tips from Jane Wigg
Dr Rhian Noble-Jones provided tips on Genital Oedema
Catherine Groom wrote selfcare tips for Lymphoedema of the Leg
Mary and I are incredibly grateful to all the above who shared their expertise and knowledge with our campaign. We shared patient stories highlighting the difficulties patients face. In addition, we included testimonials on the success of Deep Oscillation from both patient and healthcare professionals.
I wrote about the non-medical challenges that included the difficulty of buying clothes, footwear, and underwear. This year we included more #memberengagement from L-W-O Support Group. Mary designed and produced informative videos and some of our videos came with voiceovers as we are both becoming increasingly aware of the need for better accessibility.
Last year’s campaign was extremely successful but at times pulling it together was stressful. This year we were both much more organised, with discussions throughout 2021 and from January 5th, 2022, we started collating all the information we had gathered. We have had extremely positive feedback from right across the globe and both Mary and I appreciate the encouragement and support we have been given.
If you missed any of our campaign, you could catch up here…

2022 #LAW #WLD

About PhysioPod
Winners in the 2016 Global Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Awards for Innovation with DEEP OSCILLATION and nominated in the Private Healthcare Awards 2017, PhysioPod® UK Ltd are in their 16th year of trading.
Directed by Sisters, Julie Soroczyn and Mary Fickling, they exclusively supply the UK and Ireland the full range of products from PHYSIOMED ELEKTROMEDIZIN AG, a world-wide leading producer of high-quality equipment for traditional and innovative physical therapy in the fields of rehabilitation, sport, and aesthetic medicine.
Approved suppliers to the NHS and recommended suppliers of The Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP) they are also placed and respected, as suppliers within the UK's elite sporting world.
With two highly informative websites, PhysioPod UK and PhysioEquipment UK supply Combination Therapy, Biomechanical testing, training and therapy systems, Electrotherapy, Shockwave Therapy, Vacuum Application, Microwave Therapy, Cryotherapy, vocaSTIM®, Magcell, DEEP OSCILLATION, Traction Therapy, Laser Therapy and Magnetotherapy.
What is Deep Oscillation?
How does Deep Oscillation help Lymphoedema Patients?
Award-winning DEEP OSCILLATION® is an internationally patented therapeutic design, which utilizes the forces of pulsed electrostatic attraction and friction to provoke oscillations, which act deeply on the tissues of the body; from the epidermis down through the conjunctive and adipose layers and into the muscles, supporting and intensifying manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) and sports and holistic massage with the added benefit of reducing pressure on the practitioners’ hands.
Hernandez Tapanes et al (2010) were able to prove, by diagnostic ultrasound, penetration of the oscillations to an 8cm depth without any undue pressure being applied. Observed physiological effects of the therapy include, significant pain reduction, oedema resorption, fibrosis reduction, limited production of inflammatory mediators, especially during the treatment for chronic pain, a strengthening of the cutaneous tissues and stimulation of the wound healing process.
It greatly benefits acute injury treatment and day one post surgical treatment and can be used over implanted pins and plates, prosthesis and breast implants. Applied via vinyl gloves or applicators from Practitioner to Patient, handheld applicators also enable self-management, with patient’s continuous feedback of now feeling 'in control' of chronic conditions such as Lymphoedema and Lipoedema.
Partners/supportive others can also be instructed in its application, bringing a viable treatment option into the home, improving patient quality of life. Complex cases can be treated effectively, including lymphoedema of the head and neck, breast fibrosis and genital oedema. Personal units are lightweight, battery operated and travel friendly. References for the therapy can be viewed here and PhysioPod also have their own video channel
PhysioPod® UK Ltd are listed on Professor Timothy Watson's 'Electrotherapy On The Web' website (although not an endorsement or recommendation) listed as providing a 'professional service'. DEEP OSCILLATION® is now 'recommended' by Dr Vodder Academy International and 'The Wittlinger Lymphoedema Clinic' in Austria.
Check out our members questions, the answers and watch these amazing videos.